Saturday, February 13, 2016

BREAKING: No Cargo Ships on Sea - Commerce has Halted! Revelation 18:17

Published on Jan 12, 2016
Go to time: 9:30 to hear Breaking News!
"The continued collapse... it appears the worldwide 'real' economy has ground to a halt!!
Last week, I received news that no ships are at sea right now, because operating them meant running at a loss.
This weekend, reports are circulating saying much the same thing: The North Atlantic has little or no cargo ships traveling in its waters. Instead, they are anchored. Unmoving. Empty.
Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving.
This has never happened before. It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped.
We checked and it appears to show no ships in transit anywhere in the world. "

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