Friday, February 19, 2016

'Je Suis Nazareth' - Support Pours in for Ohio Deli after Machette Attack!

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COLUMBUS, Ohio – The FBI is investigating what may be a lone wolf terror attack at an Israeli restaurant in Columbus, Ohio.

The machete-wielding assailant injured four patrons last Thursday before police shot and killed him. This week, however, the restaurant has become a place of hope.

Several thousand loyal customers flooded the Nazareth Deli & Restaurant on Wednesday, responding to a Facebook invitation to come and show support – and enjoy a buffet-style meal.

The owner, an Arab Christian who emigrated from Israel, said the assailant checked out the restaurant before he attacked.
'Je Suis Nazareth' - Support Pours in for Ohio Deli after "Lone wolf" terrorist Machete Attack!MORE on this story...

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