Friday, May 27, 2016

Modern Day Martyrs-ARE YOU READY FOR THIS???

CHURCHIANITY is DEAD!!! in America-But, There is a "Remnant" amongst the U.S. Christian population who REALLY LOVE JESUS! Soon the goats will be separated from the sheep! This AWFUL Portrayal of merciless beatings must be shown! AMERICAN CHRISTIANS ARE SLEEPING!-I have seen Chinese Christians chain themselves too the cross and willing to die for it! And American Christians Yawn and go back to their Footbal/Baseball game! YOU MUST WATCH-BECAUSE VERY SOON THIS AWFUL PERSECUTION FOR CHRIST WILL BE COMING TOO AMERICA! Point and READ!>>> 1 John 3:13,-1 Peter 4:16-19,- 2 Tim 3:12 ,-Matthew 5:43-48,-1 Peter 5:8-9!!!...God bless you All on this HOLIDAY Weekend, I Don't want to be the messenger who "Bares BAD News, But somebody has too because America is SLEEPING and has become complacent in NOT Sharing the "GOSPEL" I have done ALL the labor all you have to do is share on social media...By taking 5 seconds out of your life to click on the share button! At least you'll be able too tell Jesus on Judgment day, I clicked and shared the Gospel wth 1,000's of "FRIENDS!"

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