Monday, June 13, 2016

Millions Already Chipped!! RFID 666 Implant Done Without Obamacare!!

LIFE IN 2017!!!! Published on Jun 7, 2016
PLEASE WATCH THE ENTIRE VIDEO! You should NEVER receive a microchip implant, as this offers a pathway and connection to the world wide web (the matrix). All data collected by microchips can be uploaded and absorbed into the web, and that is their objective. There are Youtube channels and Christian leaders now telling their subscribers that it's ok to receive an RFID chip implant because microchips aren't the Mark of the Beast....PLEASE DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM! THIS IS A STRONG DELUSION!

We are in the end times.

Propaganda about RFID chip and other implantable technologies is now being fed to the public. We see millennials listening to these messages. Most people who willingly receive RFID chip implants are millennials. But the New World Order wants to chip everybody. There is evidence they have made this a priority objective.

I have studied medical devices for the past 5 years and teach classes on informatics, medical technology, and trends. Every semester, I teach my students about the use of RFID in health care, and future projections about its use. At this point, I can't help but believe a conspiracy is underway, as companies have secretly embedded microchips into a variety of implants without people knowing about it. These microchips show up in knee and hip replacements, pacemakers and defibrillators, cochlear implants, breast implants, and a variety of prosthetics. Let me be clear, NOT ALL of these implants contain microchips. But some of them do, and this could mean that millions of people are microchip implants inside of them.

We were warned back in 2007 by NBC that society was headed in the direction of a "brave new world." It seems many people did not take this clip seriously or seem to care about the projection that was made: by 2017, people would have a microchip underneath their skin. But over the past decade, there have been concerted efforts to chip, hardwire, connect, and digitalize everything in our lives. And now, the focus is on our bodies.

Once again, do not accept any microchip implants. Ever.

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