Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Hey Bro, Thanks for your work, But I just wanted to add a cut & paste letter to "Luke warm Christians" I'm SO shocked and DISGUSTED that way too many "Luke warm Christians" Why do you still call the Messiah Jesus!? translation =HAIL Zues! Google it!) AhiYah the Adon is, Elohim=The Creator God (Not God!?) Or LORD!? LORD=BA'AL! (PEASE, DO THE RESEARCH, AS I HAVE DONE FOR 33YRS.) Truly the prophecy in Hosea, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." is Complete Truth and being fullfilled now!"(AKA THE WIDE BROAD PATH to Everlasting destruction.) You guys really need to wake up and get with Yah's program! Your Churches have been completely, HIJACKED by the Jesuits, FREEMASONS, witches, Warlocks, and GBLT! (Hillsong=Naked cowboys!?And Unrepentant gays!) HELLO!? They are ALL laughing at your nieve ignorance! As your under a SATANIC DECEPTION- Known as Witchcraft=deceit & manipulation! Your making them all filthy rich with illegal tithes. With great joy you eat up all their, "Doctrines of demons" like it's cotton candy, and it's Poop! Do you not realize 501c3 churches are nothing more than "State sanctioned, liars for hire?" You really need to pray to the RUAH HaQuodesh for guidance and understating, You need some serious spiritual discernment- TEST ALL Spirits! Please Watch Russ Dizdar.. . Because you really need to be slapped up side your heads with your dusty Bible! To AWAKE you from your hipnotic stupor! Before YHWH led me into his beloved truth, I was in 5 different cults. (I Went to the; University of hard Knox- for 33yrs.) Twenty years ago, I worked with NWO Freemason/Ecumenicalist, Billy Graham, Few yrs. later I find out that he's actually a 33rd degree Mason, Which makes him a Satanic worshipping- Warlock! I've been trying for years to wake ALL you people up!- Time for the P.C.B.S is long Past! Thanks to you "luke warm one's, our country is infested with foul demons! PLEASE Yahshua slap e 'm up side the head, with your RUAH HaQuodesh, I'm Not sorry that I'm being Rude or Nasty, Because a very strong REBUKE is exactly what's needed! Your (Dissing the true GOD, And I'm SICK and tired of it!)Soon Judgement is coming to Pagan Churchianity! You MUST be "Obedient" To the Torah/Messiah, the Shabbat, and the 10 WEDDING VOWS! - As your ignorantly participating, in Pagan/SUN worship! Your churches are aligned with WORLD and the evil Black Jesuit Pope! Instead of being obsessed with who's the Anti- Messiah (This year) Rapture, and the 666 Mark, How bout actually reading and understanding the ABC'S of the word First. READ The (first covenant! It's NOT the "OLD TESTAMENT" YOUR learning the Bible backwards!...Because you're beloved exalted false Prophets & PASTORS who are teaching you the Bible from a Greek perspective, when it should be understood with Hebrew thought, culture and mindset- Not a Greek one! It's impossible! Research youtube Alan Horvath- The Otiot- The pure ancient language, prophesied in book of Zephiniah! The Ancient pictographic language that is the original language Mosses spoke and wrote-(10 commandments where written in and YHWH used this language to speak the world into existence. This is Another essential key, needed to unlock mystery of the word. Hopefully you won't delete this Bro... I just wanted to let people know these facts, Because like you I'm a Truth Zeolot and I really want YHWH To be glorified and honored. There's just way too many people being deceived by Lying 501c3 Gov. sponsored Jesuit liars and I'm really tired of it...Whole truth needs too come to light. HalleluYah

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